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How do I file a claim?

Your team is required to attend training, successfully pass the post-training quiz, successfully apply soil additives as directed on all jobs, and correctly plant in the appropriate location (sun/shade, etc.). If those items are followed yet the plant does not survive, you may qualify for a replacement. This guarantee covers the replacement plant only, not the additives (which are required to be used on the replacement), any delivery charge, labor, or any price increase that may have occurred between when the original tree was purchased and when the replacement was replaced. Plant material is guaranteed for ONE YEAR.


To make a claim, an approved representative of your company must fill out the “PlantRight Guarantee Replacement Claim Form” in its entirety and provide the necessary documentation, including four photos. The claim will be reviewed and approved at the discretion of the Site Manager at the location where your plants and PlantRight Guarantee products were purchased.

New plants undergo stress when they are planted. Known as transplant shock, the tree may struggle to establish roots. If the tree doesn’t have enough room for its roots to spread or if it doesn’t receive enough water, transplant shock may occur.


Before submitting a claim, ensure that the tree is truly dead and not just experiencing transplant shock. You can use a fingernail or a pocketknife to gently scrape off some of the bark to see if the underlayer is bright, moist, and green. If that is the case, then the tree is still alive.


Your company must be in good standing financially with us in order to qualify for replacement plants. This means that the account associated with your company is not more than 31 days past due.




Three photos are required of the plant that did not survive, and those must be supplied at the time the Claim Form is submitted. Photos should be clear and include the surrounding environment and base of the tree so the planting process can be evaluated to ensure it was correctly planted. Claims Form submitted without accompanying photos will not be considered and will not qualify for the PlantRight Guarantee.

PlantRight Gurantee Replacement Claim Form

Purchase site:

Please list the product name, quantity, size and reason for replacement:

Please list the product name, quantity, size and reason for replacement:

Please list the product name, quantity, size and reason for replacement:

Please list the product name, quantity, size and reason for replacement:

PlantRight Guarantee covers plant-related issues only. It does not cover species planted in the wrong environment (i.e., Northern Red Oak planted in poor drainage), animal damage, acts of nature, auto accidents, damage caused by lawn maintenance, etc.


Three photos are required of the plant material that did not survive. Photos must be sent prior to, or at the time this claim form is submitted. Photos should be clear and include one of each of the following: close-up of the base of the plant; close-up of the foliage, twigs, and stems; and the plant with surrounding area from several fee away to show the growing environment. These photos will be used to evaluate whether the correct planting process was followed so the claim can be completed. Please refer to the training guide or your Account Representative for questions.


Disclaimer: PlantRight Gurantee components including PlantRight Bio-Life 800+ and PlantRight Compost must be purchased for the replacement plant material. NO REMPLACEMENT PLANT MATERIAL IS ELIGIBLE FOR A SECOND GURANTEE. Any replacement plants will be credited at the cost of the original purchase i.e., if a tree price increases since the initial tree was purchased, your company is responsible for the difference and purchasing the PlantRight components needed for the guaranteed replacement. The original plant material subtotal cost (before tax) can be used for the same plant material, different size of the same plant material, or a different species completely. This warranty expires one year from invoice date.

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